Spirituality & Secularism
Joseph Ayeni
Joseph Ayeni

Your words are your thoughts expressed. Though both thoughts and words are unseen, once your thoughts become words, thoughts have transited to another dimension. Thus the word can be heard because the thought has been given voice. Man's ability to hear thoughts is the gift of perception, the gift of discernment, whereby man can perceive or discern the thoughts of other men. When we have words we actually have an extension of thoughts. This is the metamorphosis or transition of thoughts to words.

Thought is an inside job. Thought operates in the unseen. We can keep our thoughts in the unseen by putting a rein on them. We can do that if and when we own our thoughts in the self-conscious. We cannot control what we are not conscious of. When we become aware of something we can take a step or more further to own and control it.

Self-control is uncommon power. To be able to control your actions you have to first be able to control your thoughts and your words because everything begins with the thought.

Now, there is the place of knowledge and programming from the conscious level to the subconscious level. What does this mean?

We are exposed to knowledge from the external. When we are born, we are blank in our inner mind, but with what we are exposed to each day through observation, exposure to knowledge through upbringing as we engage with people in the environment, we acquire knowledge that feed and equip our unseen or subconscious mind. This is programming.

What informs your thinking when you think thoughts? Your thoughts are as empowering or disempowering as the programs that run in your subconscious mind. In other words, your thoughts are according to the programs that run in your subconscious mind. These programs are responsible for more than 90% of what you do. Your subconscious mind is your habit or programmed mind.

For men who were programmed wrongly from childhood and who grew up to realise the dangerous, limiting, or unproductive programs running their lives from their subconscious mind, they can do something about it. They have to go through a deliberate reprogramming. This is paradigm shift. It is a great way to take control of your thoughts again. But it comes at an equally great price because the prize is a huge promise if and when fulfilled.

Your thoughts are as either productive or otherwise as the programs running within you. These programs are programs of the knowledge and information you have been fed from the scratch after you were born and in the first few years of your birth and afterwards.

When we change the programs we uninstall the habits downloaded into us by deliberately  installing new knowledge and information. Doing this means changing our thinking, which actually begins with a switch in our thoughts. It takes a change of thought to engage the process of otherwise change.

Repetition is an essential key. When we are able to engage our thoughts repeatedly and focus our thoughts towards a specific direction, we can, through this constancy, create a pattern that will influence our every action and activity.

You may need to separate yourself from old friends and people. Old people in your space can sabotage your new process. You have to walk out the same way you walked in, just that this time you are responsible. When you were younger, your parents or adults in your life were responsible. But in adulthood now, you have to take charge of your life. You become the architect of your life.

When babies or new born babies cry, they actually utter words through what they have or are able to muster, given what they are presented with. They express thoughts, which only compassionate and loving hands can decode through constant attempts to establish cause and provide solution. Babies give voice to their thoughts when they cry. They either react or respond when they cry or utter voice notes.

Through this mechanism, a pattern is established, and this is how humans develop. They learn to give power to their thoughts as they are able to find the words based on the limit of their vocabulary. The efficacy of our vocabulary building is the strength we are able to give to our thoughts. We are able to express our thoughts based on the words at our disposal. Thus, we may have a lot within us, but we may be unable to express them.

What we say and how we say what we say are based on our temperament and the makeup of our being, the configuration of our thoughts. We cannot do more than we are within us. We may struggle to do so but if it is not in us, it will not endure.

Sometimes we say words that are contrary to our thoughts but people who observe us closely and who establish connection with us are able to decode that we are not saying what we think, mean, or intend.

Every action began with a thought.  Everything seen, good or ill, started in the unseen with a thought. Wealth or the lack of wealth proceed from the thoughts. Riches begin in the form of thought. Poverty begins the same way from the same place, all in the imagination.

We therefore must be mindful of what we think. Thoughts filter into us endlessly. Some of them are wayfaring and others are guests, and some become lifelong tenants with us. It depends on what we permit.

These are the ones that manifest, and we become associated with them. Some of them are tenants for a season and may cause us great harm depending on the actions they become.

They happen so because we permitted them and partnered with them but for one reason or the other they are not able to abide long with us in our journey.

Why is this so? It is the question of the paradigm. They are based on the programs that run in us. Those programs had been installed prior to the time in question. We attracted them from the unseen and made physical connections.

Though we may seem to be enjoying their manifestation, we may only be feeding a dark wolf and building on a weakness. In due time we extricate ourselves from the grip of that woe.

Damage would have been done, though, and they become scars. Those scars started with a thought; an idea we nurtured to bloom whether through doubts, uncertainty, or reluctance.

Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts brew in us constantly and we are hardly able to explain where they come from, but we know they are there. Like the wind that blows where it lists, we are not able to tell where they come from or where they go. Yet, they have a compelling effect on us. It depends on how we nurture them.

"Mr Joseph Ayeni's book is a well researched compendium that addresses several, but salient subjects that can significantly enhance human dignity, success and fulfilment."
David Imhonopi
PhD. Covenant University, Ota,
Ogun State, Nigeria.

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